You can set the time by using the following command.
date -s "06 DEC 2017 10:00:00"
You can set the time by using the following command.
date -s "06 DEC 2017 10:00:00"
Run the following command
sed -i '1,200d' file_name.sql
Run the following command to increase the root partition
lvextend -L+15G /dev/mapper/centos-root && xfs_growfs -d /dev/mapper/centos-root
Use –block-size=M /G
For example ls -lrt --block-size=GB
will list the files with size info in GB
Run the following command to disable SELinux immediately
setenforce 0
The mod_rewrite module is enabled by default on CentOS 7. If you find it is not enabled on your server, you can enable it by editing 00-base.conf file located in /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/ directory.
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ Service httpd restart
Run the following command
sudo yum install -y yum-utils --enablerepo="base"
Issue the following commands
git add FOLDER_PATH/* git commit -m 'Adding new module' git push origin BRANCH_NAME
Issue the following commnds from terminal to sort out the issue.
git rm -r --cached . git add -A git commit -am 'Removing ignored files'
Run the following commands
git branch -d BRANCH_NAME git push origin --delete BRANCH_NAME