Tag Archives: Filter


Filter multiple variable after reading them

General Format

filter_var_array(array, args)

array – Array of values to be filtered

args – array of filter arguments


$array = array ( “zipcode” => “453441s”, “email” => “info@phpcodez.com”, );
$filters = array ( “zipcode” => FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, “email”=> FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL, );
print_r(filter_var_array($array, $filters));


Array ( [zipcode] => [email] => info@phpcodez.com )


Read the input from the outside script and filter the same
Genaral Format

filter_input(input_type, variable, filter)

Input_type – a valid input ype


variable – Value to be filtered

filter – A valid ID


if (filter_input(INPUT_POST, ‘url’, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
echo “Valid URL”;
}else {
echo “Invalid URL”;


It can be used to check whether a variable of specified input type exists

General Format

filter_has_var(type, variable)

type – Possible types and can be one of the followings


variable – hold the value to be checked


if(!filter_has_var(INPUT_GET, “email”)){
echo(“Does not exist”);
}else {

PHP Filters IDs

FILTER_VALIDATE_IP Check whether the given IP is valid or not
FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL Check whether the email is valid or not
FILTER_VALIDATE_INT Check whether the value is Integer or not
FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT Check whether the value is float or not
FILTER_VALIDATE_URL Check whether the url is valid or not
FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS  It Escapes special characters like &,< etc
FILTER_CALLBACK It can be used to call a user defined function to filter the value
FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING Strip tags and encode special characters
FILTER_SANITIZE_STRIPPED  Strips or encodes unwanted characters
FILTER_SANITIZE_ENCODED  Encode special characters
FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL Remove all illegal email characters
FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT Remove all illegal integer characters
FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT  Remove all illegal  characters from a float number
FILTER_SANITIZE_MAGIC_QUOTES It adds slashes before quotes
FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW Encode special characters
FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN Return TRUE for “true”, “1”, “on” and “yes”, FALSE for “0”,
“false”, “off”, “no”, and “”, NULL otherwise
FILTER_SANITIZE_URL Remove all unwanterd characters form a URL

PHP Filter Functions

filter_var() – It gets variable and filter the same as per the ID given
filter_has_var() – Can be used to check whether a variable of specified input type exists
filter_input() – Read the input from the outside script and filter the same
filter_var_array() – Filter multiple variable after reading them
filter_id() – Diaplay the ID number of a given filter
filter_input_array() – Read more than one input from the outside script and filter all
filter_list() – print all filter as an array

PHP Filter

PHP Filters are extensions use to validate inputs from a user or web services .

We must use filter functions to filter the data

Mainly two types of files are out there (Validating filters and sanitizing filters)

Example :

filter_var(variable, filter, options)

Variable : its holds the values to be filtered
filter : Its the id of filter .its an optional and the default filter is FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING

options : can be an array of options/flags