Tag Archives: WAMP


Following are the main diffrence

WAMP stands for windows, apache, mysql, php. • XAMPP stands for x-os, apache, mysql, php , perl. (x-os means it can be used for any operating system.)

xampp is easy to use than wamp. • The best advantage of using wamp is that it is easy to setup configuration in wamp.

xampp cpanel is very nice and good for beginner. • Xampp start, pause and stop button work very nicely by functionality. • You can add other services to xampp also

XAMPP is more powerful and resource consuming than WAMP. • WAMP provides support for MySQL and PHP. • XAMPP provides support for MYSQL, PHP and PERL.

XAMPP also has SSL feature while WAMP doesn’t. • WAMP provides support for MySQL and PHP. • XAMPP provides support for MYSQL, PHP and PERL.

If your applications need to deal with native web apps only, Go for WAMP. • If you need advanced features as stated above, go for XAMPP.

As of priority, you cant run both together with default installation as XAMPP gets a higher priority and it takes up ports. • So WAMP cant be run in parallel with XAMPP.