All posts by Pramod T P

sublime increase tab font size

  • Navigate to Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Browse Packages
  • Open the User directory
  • Create a file named Default.sublime-theme (if you’re using the default theme) and add the following text
vi /root/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/Default.sublime-theme
[     {
"class": "tab_label",
"font.size": 13

Something went wrong while saving this configuration: Area is already set

This is a known issue in magento 2.2.4. It can be fixed by modifying the function setForcedArea() in Magento\Email\Model\AbstractTemplate.php


public function setForcedArea($templateId)
{ if ($this->area) {
throw new \LogicException(__('Area is already set'));
$this->area = $this->emailConfig->getTemplateArea($templateId);
return $this;


public function setForcedArea($templateId)
{ if (!isset($this->area)) {
$this->area = $this->emailConfig->getTemplateArea($templateId);
return $this;