All posts by Pramod T P

Custom Fields Product Add Edit Pages Magento 2

This is a quite important demand when you want to use extra information on your pages which the default system does not include.

You can add custom fields with the help of UI Component.

Follow the below steps to create the module ‘PHPCodez_Customfield’

1) Declare a module.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Module/etc/module.xsd">
<module name="PHPCodez_Customfield" setup_version="0.0.1" />

2) Register a module. Continue reading Custom Fields Product Add Edit Pages Magento 2

Magento 2 Allow NULL Value Multiselect System Configuration

It can be achieved bu adding the <can_be_empty>1</can_be_empty> tag in system.xml file


<field id="hideprice" translate="label" type="multiselect" sortOrder="1" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="1" showInStore="1">
<label>Hide Price For</label>

Magento 2 Unable To Unselect All Multiselect Values

Add the tag <can_be_empty>1</can_be_empty> with the field in system.xml file and now you should be enable to Unselect the multi select values.


<field id="hideprice" translate="label" type="multiselect" sortOrder="1" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="1" showInStore="1">
<label>Hide Price For</label>

Magento 2 Hide Price

Basically we have to override class ‘Magento\Catalog\Pricing\Render\FinalPriceBox ‘ to achieve this. Here I am creating an extension ‘PHPCodez_Hideprice’ that will allow you to hide price from certain user groups and diaplay a text inplace of price.

1) Declare a module

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Module/etc/module.xsd">
<module name="PHPCodez_Hideprice" setup_version="0.0.1" />

2) Register a module. Continue reading Magento 2 Hide Price

Magento 2 Source Model All Customer Groups

You can use the source model <source_model>Magento\Customer\Model\Config\Source\Group\Multiselect</source_model> to get the customer groups.

But its does not return the group ‘NOT LOGGED IN’ .so I have created new model to have ‘NOT LOGGED IN’ in the list.


namespace PHPCodez\Hideprice\Model\Config\Source\Group;
use \Magento\Customer\Model\ResourceModel\Group\Collection;

class Multiselect implements \Magento\Framework\Option\ArrayInterface {

protected $_customerGroup;

protected $_options;

public function __construct( Collection $customerGroup ) {
$this->_customerGroup = $customerGroup;

public function toOptionArray() {
if (!$this->_options) {
$this->_options = $this->_customerGroup->toOptionArray();
return $this->_options;

Current Customer Group Magento 2

namespace PHPCodez\Disableaddtocart\Helper;

use \Magento\Framework\App\Helper\AbstractHelper;
use \Magento\Customer\Model\Session;

class Data extends AbstractHelper {

protected $_customerSession;

public function __construct(Session $_customerSession) {
$this->_customerSession = $_customerSession;

public function getCustomerGroup(){
return $this->_customerSession->isLoggedIn()?$this->_customerSession->getCustomer()->getGroupId():0;


System Configuration Values Helpers Magento 2

namespace PHPCodez\Disableaddtocart\Helper;

use \Magento\Framework\App\Helper\AbstractHelper;
use \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface;
use \Magento\Store\Model\ScopeInterface;
use \Magento\Customer\Model\Session;

class Data extends AbstractHelper {

protected $_scopeConfig;
protected $_customerSession;

public function __construct(ScopeConfigInterface $_scopeConfig,Session $_customerSession) {
$this->_scopeConfig = $_scopeConfig;
$this->_customerSession = $_customerSession;

public function getDisabledGroups($scope = ScopeConfigInterface::SCOPE_TYPE_DEFAULT) {
$disabledGroups = $this->_scopeConfig->getValue('phpcodez/parameters/disableaddtocart',ScopeInterface::SCOPE_STORE);
return $disabledGroups;

public function getCustomerGroup(){
return $this->_customerSession->isLoggedIn()?$this->_customerSession->getCustomer()->getGroupId():0;


Magento 2 Disable Add To Cart Customer Group

I am creating an extension that will allow you to hide/disable add to cart button for certain customer groups.

1) Declare a module.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Module/etc/module.xsd">
<module name="PHPCodez_Disableaddtocart" setup_version="0.0.1" />

2) Register a module. Continue reading Magento 2 Disable Add To Cart Customer Group