All posts by Pramod T P

Deploy Static Content Magento 2

The static view files deployment command enables you to write static files to the Magento file system .

The term “Static” means it can be cached for a site( images ,JS and CSS )

The term “View” refers to the presentation layer (from MVC).

Static view files are located in the pub/static directory, and some are cached in the var/view_preprocessed directory as well.

Static view files deployment is affected by Magento modes as follows:

Default and developer modes: Magento generates them on demand, but the rest are cached in a file for speed of access.

Production mode: Static files are not generated or cached.

You can deploy the static content by running the below command.

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

magento 2 technical problem with the server created an error

I have faced the same issue and its like the system was throwing the below error

Magento ver. 2.2.0-dev – A technical problem with the server created an error. Try again to continue what you were doing. If the problem persists, try again later

To fix the issue I have deployed the static content again and done reindexing and cache clearing

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

php bin/magento indexer:reindex

php bin/magento cache:flush

PHP FastCGI Process Manager

FPM (FastCGI Process Manager) is an alternative PHP FastCGI implementation with some additional features (mostly) useful for heavy-loaded sites.

These features include:

advanced process management with graceful stop/start;

ability to start workers with different uid/gid/chroot/environment, listening on different ports and using different php.ini (replaces safe_mode);

stdout and stderr logging;

emergency restart in case of accidental opcode cache destruction;

accelerated upload support;

“slowlog” – logging scripts (not just their names, but their PHP backtraces too, using ptrace and similar things to read remote process’ execute_data) that are executed unusually slow;

fastcgi_finish_request() – special function to finish request and flush all data while continuing to do something time-consuming (video converting, stats processing etc.);

dynamic/static child spawning;

basic SAPI status info (similar to Apache mod_status);

php.ini-based config file.

Writeable Folders Magento 2

“{“path”:”app/etc”}” writable directory permission.
“{“path”:”var”}” writable directory permission.
“{“path”:”pub/media”}” writable directory permission.
“{“path”:”pub/static”}” writable directory permission.
“{“path”:”generated”}” writable directory permission.

PHP Extensions Required Magento 2

PHP Extension curl.
PHP Extension dom.
PHP Extension iconv.
PHP Extension mcrypt.
PHP Extension simplexml.
PHP Extension spl.
PHP Extension xsl.
PHP Extension intl.
PHP Extension mbstring.
PHP Extension ctype.
PHP Extension hash.
PHP Extension openssl.
PHP Extension pdo_mysql.
PHP Extension soap.
PHP Extension zip.
PHP Extension phar.
PHP Extension xmlwriter.
PHP Extension libxml.
PHP Extension pcre.
PHP Extension gd.