Tag Archives: Magento 2

magento 2 technical problem with the server created an error

I have faced the same issue and its like the system was throwing the below error

Magento ver. 2.2.0-dev – A technical problem with the server created an error. Try again to continue what you were doing. If the problem persists, try again later

To fix the issue I have deployed the static content again and done reindexing and cache clearing

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

php bin/magento indexer:reindex

php bin/magento cache:flush

Writeable Folders Magento 2

“{“path”:”app/etc”}” writable directory permission.
“{“path”:”var”}” writable directory permission.
“{“path”:”pub/media”}” writable directory permission.
“{“path”:”pub/static”}” writable directory permission.
“{“path”:”generated”}” writable directory permission.

PHP Extensions Required Magento 2

PHP Extension curl.
PHP Extension dom.
PHP Extension iconv.
PHP Extension mcrypt.
PHP Extension simplexml.
PHP Extension spl.
PHP Extension xsl.
PHP Extension intl.
PHP Extension mbstring.
PHP Extension ctype.
PHP Extension hash.
PHP Extension openssl.
PHP Extension pdo_mysql.
PHP Extension soap.
PHP Extension zip.
PHP Extension phar.
PHP Extension xmlwriter.
PHP Extension libxml.
PHP Extension pcre.
PHP Extension gd.

Magento Composer

We use Composer for dependency management. Composer enables us to manage the Magento components and their dependencies.
As an integrator, you want to manage each of your Magento core components and third-party components using the Component Manager and System Upgrade.
To do so, you start by creating a Composer project from our metapackage. The metapackage installs each component so it can be centrally managed after installation.

Composer provides you with the following advantages:

Enables you to reuse third-party libraries without bundling them with source code
Component-based architecture with robust dependency management
Manages dependencies to reduce extension conflicts and compatibility issues
Versioned dependencies
Semantic versioning
Supports the PHP Framework Interoperability standard