Tag Archives: Widget

WordPress Plugin Posts – PHPCodezPosts

It can be used to list posts and the output can be managed from admin side

== Description ==

PHPCodez Posts lists posts . The output can be managed from the back end

1) We can restrict the number posts
1) We can list post randomly
2) We can sort posts by its name,comment count or id
3) We can show comment count with posts
5) We can list post under the selected categories
6) We can exclude posts

== Installation ==

1. Upload the plugin folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ folder.

2. Go to the **Plugins** page and activate the plugin.

3. Go to appearance->widget area and drag the widget “PHPCodez Posts” to the widget area to have this on the sidebar .

Click here to download the plugin

WordPress Plugin Links – PHPCodezLinks

It can be used to list link categories and its links

== Description ==

PHPCodez Links lists the link categories and its links. The output can be managed from the back end

1) We can restrict the number of link categories
1) We can restrict the number of links
2) We can sort links and link categories by its name or id
3) We can select categories to list

== Installation ==

1. Upload the plugin folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ folder.

2. Go to the **Plugins** page and activate the plugin.

3. Go to appearance->widget area and drag the widget “PHPCodez Links” to the widget area to have this on the sidebar .

Click here to download the plugin

WordPress Plugin Text – PHPCodezText

It displays content on specified pages

== Description ==

PHPCodez Text displays content on specified pages . Here you must enter the page urls in a textarea given in the widget option area from the admin panel .You can either display or
block content based the given page url.

It is similar to the “Text” wordpress widget except that you can decide the pages on which the content is to be printed

Page urls should be entered line by line in the text area (No separated needed). With the help of exclude option you can display or block the content .

== Installation ==

1. Upload the plugin folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ folder.

2. Go to the *Plugins* page and activate the plugin.

3. Go to appearance->widget page and drag the widget “PHPCodez Text” to the wiget area to have this on the sidebar .

Click here to download the plugin

WordPress Plugin Archives – PHPCodezArchives

It lists Archives

== Description ==

PHPCodez lists the archives. The output can be managed from the back end

1) We can restrict the number of archives
2) We can list the post count along with the category name .

== Installation ==

1. Upload the plugin folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ folder.

2. Go to the *Plugins* page and activate the plugin.

3. Go to appearance->widget page and drag the widget “PHPCodez Archives” to the wiget area to have this on the sidebar .

Click here to download the plugin

WordPress Plugin Search – PHPCodezSearch

It loads the search form so that you can search site contents

== Description ==

PHPCodez Search loads the search form so that you can search site contents

== Installation ==

1. Upload the plugin folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ folder.

2. Go to the *Plugins* page and activate the plugin.

3. Go to appearance->widget page and drag the widget “PHPCodez Search” to the wiget area to have this on the sidebar .

Click here to down the plugin

WordPress Plugin Categories – PHPCodezCategories

It lists categories

== Description ==

PHPCodez Categories lists the categories. The output can be managed from  the back end

1) We can restrict the number of categories
2) We can list the post count along with the category name .
3) We can sort the categories based on name, number of posts or id in
ascending/descending oreder
4) We can list only root categories .
Note : It will display only root categories and its first level sub categories
5) We can exclude categories if needed

== Installation ==

1. Upload the plugin folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ folder.

2. Go to the **Plugins** page and activate the plugin.

3. Go to appearance->widget area and drag the widget “PHPCodez Categories” to the wiget area to have this on the sidebar .

Click here to download

WordPress widget to display content on specified pages

Follow the steps given below to use this widget
  • Paste code on a file and save it inside folder
  • Place this folder in /wp-content/plugins/
  • Activate it using the menu plugins
  • Drag the widget to the sidebar
  • Fill the form and save the values .
  • The content you entered will be displayed on given pages(based on the page value)
  • If no value is entered for the field page url , it will show up on all pages