You can use the below command to extract sql.gz file.
gzip -d example.sql.gz
You can use the below command to extract sql.gz file.
gzip -d example.sql.gz
Run the following command to fix the issue.
Run the following command
gunzip < [backupfile.sql.gz] | mysql -u[username] -p[password] [database]
File extension .tar.bz2 is and archived file which is created with tar and bzip together. GNU ‘tar‘ is very useful for archiving multiple files together into a single archive file. It allows us to restore files individually.
tar -xvjf filename.tar.bz2
Run the following command to list the modified files
git ls-files -m
I had this issue and I have fixed this by creating the file php-fpm.sock
Run the following command
cat /etc/centos-release
Make sure you have configured correct redirect url in zendesk Oauth client details
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