Category Archives: My SQL

MySQL Features

The following list shows the most important properties of MySQL.

  • Clients and Tools
  • Localization
  • Connectivity
  • Scalability and Limits
  • Security
  • Data Types
  • Client/Server Architecture
  • Stored procedures
  • Views
  • SubSELECTs
  • SQL compatibility
  • Triggers
  • Unicode
  • User interface
  • Full-text search
  • Replication
  • Transactions
  • Foreign key constraints
  • GIS functions
  • Programming languages
  • ODBC
  • Platform independence
  • Speed
  • Relational Database System

MySQL Access Control Lists

An ACL (Access Control List) is a list of permissions that is associated with an object. This list is the basis for MySQL server’s security model and it helps in troubleshooting problems like users not being able to connect.

MySQL keeps the ACLs (also called grant tables) cached in memory. When a user tries to authenticate or run a command, MySQL checks the authentication information and permissions against the ACLs, in a predetermined order.

MySQL SQL Functions

CONCAT(A, B) – Concatenates two string values to create a single string output. Often used to combine two or more fields into one single field.

FORMAT(X, D) – Formats the number X to D significant digits.

CURRDATE(), CURRTIME() – Returns the current date or time.

NOW() – Returns the current date and time as one value.

MONTH(), DAY(), YEAR(), WEEK(), WEEKDAY() – Extracts the given data from a date value.

HOUR(), MINUTE(), SECOND() – Extracts the given data from a time value.

DATEDIFF(A, B) – Determines the difference between two dates and it is commonly used to calculate age

SUBTIMES(A, B) – Determines the difference between two times.

FROMDAYS(INT) – Converts an integer number of days into a date value.