- checkdate – It checks whether the date is valid or not
- date_add – Its an alias of DateTime::add()
- date_create_from_format – Its an alias of DateTime::createFromFormat()
- date_create – Its an alias of DateTime::__construct() and creates new DateTime object
- date_date_set – Its an alias of DateTime::setDate() and sets the date.
- date_default_timezone_get – Gets the default timezone used
- date_default_timezone_set – It can be used to set the time zone
- date_diff – It is an alias of DateTime::diff()
- date_format – It is an alias of DateTime::format()
- date_get_last_errors – It is an alias of DateTime::getLastErrors()
- date_interval_create_from_date_string – Alias of DateInterval::createFromDateString()
- date_interval_format – It is an Alias of DateInterval::format()
- date_isodate_set – It is an alias of DateTime::setISODate()
- date_modify – It an alias of DateTime::modify()
- date_offset_get – its an alias of DateTime::getOffset()
- date_parse_from_format – It returns details about given date
- date_parse – It returns associative array with detailed info about given date
- date_sub – Its an alias of DateTime::sub()
- date_sun_info – It Returns information about sunset/sunrise and twilight begin/end
- date_sunrise – It returns time of sunrise for a given day and location
- date_sunset – It returns time of sunset for a given day and location
- date_time_set – Its an alias of DateTime::setTime() and it sets the time
- date_timestamp_get – Its an alias of DateTime::getTimestamp()
- date_timestamp_set– Its an alias of DateTime::setTimestamp()
- date_timezone_get – Its an alias of DateTime::getTimezone()
- date_timezone_set – Its an alias of DateTime::setTimezone()
- date – It can be used to format the date/time of the server .
- getdate – It returns date/time details
- gettimeofday – It returns the current time.
- gmdate – Its similar to datefunction but formats GMT
- gmmktime – It returns Unix timestamp for a GMT date
- gmstrftime – it formats a GMT/UTC time/date according to locale settings
- idate – It formats a local time/date as integer
- localtime – It returns the local time
- microtime – It return current Unix timestamp with microseconds
- mktime – It returns Unix timestamp for a date
- strftime – It formats a local time/date according to locale settings
- strptime – it parses time/date generated with strftime()
- strtotime – it converts date/time into a Unix timestamp
- time – It returns current Unix timestamp
- timezone_abbreviations_list – Its an alias of DateTimeZone::listAbbreviations()
- timezone_identifiers_list – Its an alias of DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers()
- timezone_location_get – Its an alias of DateTimeZone::getLocation()
- timezone_name_from_abbr – It Returns the timezone name from abbreviation
- timezone_name_get – Its an alias of DateTimeZone::getName()
- timezone_offset_get – Its an alias of DateTimeZone::getOffset()
- timezone_open – Its an alias of DateTimeZone::__construct()
- timezone_transitions_get – Its an alias of DateTimeZone::getTransitions()
- timezone_version_get – It returns the version of the timezonedb