Closure::bindTo — Duplicates the closure with a new bound object and class scope
Create and return a new anonymous function with the same body and bound variables as this one, but possibly with a different bound object and a new class scope.
The “bound object” determines the value $this will have in the function body and the “class scope” represents a class which determines which private and protected members the anonymous function will be able to access. Namely, the members that will be visible are the same as if the anonymous function were a method of the class given as value of the newscope parameter.
Static closures cannot have any bound object (the value of the parameter newthis should be NULL), but this function can nevertheless be used to change their class scope.
This function will ensure that for a non-static closure, having a bound instance will imply being scoped and vice-versa. To this end, non-static closures that are given a scope but a NULL instance are made static and non-static non-scoped closures that are given a non-null instance are scoped to an unspecified class.