Tag Archives: Block

Magento Override Block

1) Change the directory to magento installation

2) vi app/etc/modules/Phpcodez_Checkout.xml and paste the below given code
<?xml version=”1.0″?>
3) mkdir app/code/local/Phpcodez
4) mkdir app/code/local/Phpcodez/Checkout
5) mkdir app/code/local/Phpcodez/Checkout/etc
6) mkdir app/code/local/Phpcodez/Checkout/Block
7) vi app/code/local/Phpcodez/Checkout/etc/config.xml and paste the below given code
<?xml version=”1.0″?>

8) vi app/code/local/Phpcodez/Checkout/Block/Links.php and paste here the below given code
class Phpcodez_Checkout_Block_Links extends Mage_Checkout_Block_Links{
public function addCheckoutLink() {

if (!$this->helper(‘checkout’)->canOnepageCheckout()) {
return $this;

$parentBlock = $this->getParentBlock();
if ($parentBlock && Mage::helper(‘core’)->isModuleOutputEnabled(‘Mage_Checkout’)) {
$text = $this->__(‘Checkout Overriden’);
$text, ‘checkout’, $text,
true, array(‘_secure’ => true), 60, null,
return $this;