sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start
Tag Archives: Ubuntu
Command to restart apache – ubuntu Linux
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Command to install apache – Ubuntu linux
sudo apt-get install apache2
Command to install lamp – ubuntu Linux
sudo tasksel
Remove duplicate entries from an array – PHP
<?php $testArray = array('Test1', 'Test2', 'Test1'); print_r( array_unique($testArray)); // Array ( [0] => Test1 [1] => Test2 ) ?>
How to disable error reporting in php?
<?php error_reporting(0);// Will not report any error error_reporting(-1);// Shows all errors ?>
Enabling Location/Address Bar in ubuntu
Goto Terminal and type the given command
You can see a new configuration window and may follow the instructions.
apps -> nautilus -> preferences
Right side you can see some options , just enable the second option [always_use_location_entry ]