I had this issue and I have fixed this by creating the file php-fpm.sock
I had this issue and I have fixed this by creating the file php-fpm.sock
Run the following command
cat /etc/centos-release
Make sure you have configured correct redirect url in zendesk Oauth client details
[mail function]
SMTP = mymailserver.example.com
Zendesk is a customer service platform. It’s designed for companies that want to create customer relationships that are more meaningful, personal, and productive. We start by helping companies provide great support and then mature with self-service and proactive engagement.
You need to add jar file to build path
right click on project->build path->configure build path->libraries tab ->add external jar
browse it and add it.
after adding also if u not getting same error, then
You must include the jar file in the Deployment Assembly of the Project.
1)select the web project which contains the jsp file
2)select Project tab in the menubar in Eclipse
3)select properties in the drop down menu
4)select Deployment Assembly
5)Add your ojdbc6.jar file in it..
Issue the following commands
git add FOLDER_PATH/* git commit -m 'Adding new module' git push origin BRANCH_NAME
Issue the following commnds from terminal to sort out the issue.
git rm -r --cached . git add -A git commit -am 'Removing ignored files'
Run the following commands
git branch -d BRANCH_NAME git push origin --delete BRANCH_NAME
Run the following command
git branch -d BRANCH_NAME