Tag Archives: Magento 2

Magento 2 Routing Rewrite Controller

We can rewrite controller with the help of router. Magento provides the attribute before/after to config the module sort order which define what module controller will be find first.

For example, if we want to rewrite the controller customer/account/login, we will define more route in the route.xml like this: Continue reading Magento 2 Routing Rewrite Controller

Magento 2 Events

As you have heard, Magento 2 is using the events driven architecture which will help too much to extend the Magento functionality. We can understand this event as a kind of flag that rises when a specific situation happens. .

Dispatch event

In Magento 2 Events List, we can use the class Magento\Framework\Event\Manager to dispatch event. For example, we create a controller action in PHPCodez_First to show the word “Hello World” on the screen: Continue reading Magento 2 Events

Recurring Magento 2

Recurring script can be used to run some script that need to executed whenever we issue php bin/magento setup:upgrade irrespective of version change.

The recurring script will be run after the module setup script every time the command line

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

This script will be defined same as InstallSchema class but difference in name of the class. The example for this class you can see in vendor/magento/module-indexer/Setup/Recurring.php