Here this observer will display an additional message whenever a product is added to the cart.
Here the name space is PHPCodez
1) Change the directory to the root of magento installation
2) vi app/etc/modules/PHPCodez_Checkout.xml
3) Paste here the below given code
<?xml version=”1.0″?>
4) mkdir app/code/local/ (Run this command if local directory is not created )
5) mkdir app/code/local/PHPCodez
6) mkdir app/code/local/PHPCodez/Checkout
7) mkdir app/code/local/PHPCodez/Checkout/etc
8) mkdir app/code/local/PHPCodez/Checkout/Model
9) vi app/code/local/PHPCodez/Checkout/etc/config.xml
10) Paste here the below given code
<?xml version=”1.0″?>
11) vi app/code/local/PHPCodez/Checkout/Model/Observer.php
12) Paste here the below given code
class PHPCodez_Checkout_Model_Observer {
public function CustomerEdit($observer) {
echo Mage::getSingleton(‘checkout/session’)->addSuccess(“Inside Obserevr”);
13) Clear the cache and check it by adding the product to cart .
Download source file
Hope it would be helpful