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Category Archives: Linux
Linux command to find out virtual memory PAGESIZE
getconf PAGESIZE
getconf PAGE_SIZE
Linux command to check memory usage
free -m
How to move a directory / folder
mv source_dir des_dir
How to copy a directory / folder
cp -r source_dir sest_dir
How to remove/delete a directory / folder
rmdir dirName rm -r dirName rm -ir dirName
How to create a directory / folder
mkdir dirName
How to change permissions for a file/folder in Linux?
It can be done with the help of CHMOD command chmod [OPTION] MODE FILE/DIR-NAME. eg : chmod -R 777 file/fir-name
Linux command to import a database – MySQL
mysql -u USERNAME -p -h localhost DATABSENAME < sql-file-name.sql
MySQL command to modify password – Linux
mysqladmin -u root -p password Newspassword