<?php chmod("/your_dir/your_file", 0600); // Read and write for owner, nothing for everybody else chmod("/your_dir/your_file", 0644); // Read and write for owner, read for everybody else chmod("/your_dir/your_file", 0755); // Everything for owner, read and execute for others chmod("/your_dir/your_file", 0750); // Everything for owner, read and execute for owner's group ?>
Tag Archives: PHP
Remove the first and last item of the array – PHP
<?php $sampleData = array('10', '20', '30.30', '40', '50'); array_shift($sampleData); array_pop($sampleData); print_r($sampleData); // Array ( [0] => 20 [1] => 30.30 [2] => 40 ) ?>
Remove the first element of an array – PHP
<?php $sampleDate = array("Test1", "Test2", "Test3", "Test4"); array_shift($sampleDate); print_r($sampleDate); // Array ( [0] => Test2 [1] => Test3 [2] => Test4 ) . // Test1 will be shifted ?>
Remove the last element of an array – PHP
<?php $sampleDate = array("Test1", "Test2", "Test3", "Test4"); array_pop($sampleDate); print_r($sampleDate); // Array ( [0] => Test1 [1] => Test2 [2] => Test3 ) . // Test4 will be removed ?>
Replace string with another string – PHP
<?php $name = "Hello Name"; $name =str_replace("Name", "First Name", $name); echo $name; // Hello First Name ?>
Convert the first character of each word in a string into uppercase – PHP
<?php echo ucwords("hello name"); // Hello Name ?>
Convert the first letter into lower case – PHP
<?php echo lcfirst("Name"); // name ?>
Convert the first letter into uppercase – PHP
<?php echo ucfirst("name"); //Name ?>
Convert the string into upper case – PHP
<?php echo strtoupper("name"); // Name ?>
Convert the string into lower case – PHP
<?php echo strtolower("FIRST NAME") //first name ?>