1) In the Admin Panel, select Catalog > Manage Products.
2) Select the product you wish to configure cross-sell products for by clicking its respective row.
3) Click on the Cross-sells tab from the left side panel.
4) Click on the button “Reset Filter” and select the products to be listed
5)Once cross-sell products are selected, click Save at the top right of the page.
6) Clear your cache and refresh the product information page to assure that it’s working to your satisfaction.
If you are getting Exception prninitg error, then you should check following steps:Go to folder /errors/Change local.xml.sample to local.xmlafter this change you can see few more errors.then Open magento/lib/Zend/Cache/Backend/File.phpand search :protected $_options = array( cache_dir’ => null’,and Change it to: protected $_options = array( cache_dir’ => tmp/’,Save the changes and create tmp folder under root magento folder.
Comment: It is very a pity to me, that I can help nothing to you. But it is assured, that you will find the correct decision. Do not despair.