Follow the below steps to install Magento 2 with sample-data.
Make sure that httpd / Nginx,PHP,MySQL and Composer are installed in the server by issuing the following commands
httpd -v / nginx -v php -v composer -v mysql
Change the directory to documet root
cd /var/www/html/
Download Magento and issue the following commands
sudo git clone cd magento2 sudo git checkout tags/2.2.1 -b 2.2.1 chown -R httpd:www /var/www/html/magento2/ sudo chmod -R 775 /var/www/html/magento2/ chmod 777 var/ generated/ app/etc/ pub/ composer install composer update composer config repositories.0 composer php bin/magento setup:install --base-url= --backend-frontname=admin \ --db-host= --db-name=mage2 --db-user=root --db-password=Root@123 \ --admin-firstname=Magento --admin-lastname=User \ --admin-user=admin --admin-password=admin17 --language=en_US \ --currency=USD --timezone=America/Chicago --use-rewrites=1 php bin/magento sampledata:deploy php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Now check the site .